feed your soul

Earlier this year, I had one of the best shopping experiences of my life.
What makes an ordinary shopping experience extraordinary is a salesperson who is both passionate and knowledgeable.
Of course it didn’t hurt that we were in Mexico and the shop was dedicated to the sale of one of the country’s most famous exports: tequila.
That day, Ashley and I spent more money than we had originally planned at Tequila Por Favor because the shop manager, Agustìn, not only let us taste various tequilas, he insisted that we do so, narrating each experience for us like an actor.
His passion became our passion, and of course that passion grew the more we tasted… for various reasons. You get it.
“I feed my soul every day. Tequila is the soul of Mexico,” he explained, “and so I need to taste it every day.”
Now, you wouldn’t be alone if you thought this sounded like a good excuse for alcoholism. But if you were to actually sit with Agustìn, you would know that for him this was more than that.
He is a credible and persuasive salesperson because he is familiar with his product and knows he needs to nourish that passion every day.
As creative humans and leaders, what does it mean for us to feed our souls every day?
What is the “product” that we sell that we need to make sure we are intimately familiar with?
The answer lies in the thing we did as children so effortlessly. Remember the way you watched the world and marveled… with wonder?
The main tool the creative uses is wonder. That’s what we offer to audiences, readers, listeners, and patrons. The gift of wonder.
The main tool the creative uses is wonder. That’s what we offer to audiences, readers, listeners, and patrons. The gift of wonder.
If we trade in wonder, what are you doing to regularly feed that in your life?
What music, works of art, scientific study, sacred buildings, natural vistas, relationships, books, travel experiences or spiritual practices do you need in your life to feel alive and connected to the vast beauty of the world around you?
Right now, as I write this, I’m listening to John Williams conducting violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter as she performs some of his iconic themes. For me, John’s music moves me to awe and wonder.
Conversely, what activities rob you of wonder? Do what you can to limit those.
It’s rare that I look up from an extended period of doom scrolling on Instagram or playing Solitaire Cash feeling closer to my purpose and inspired to do something creative. Surprise, I’m sure.
That spark of inspiration in you? Do whatever is in your power to guard and protect that like it’s your job, because as a creative leader, it is.
That spark of inspiration in you? Do whatever is in your power to guard and protect that like it’s your job, because as a creative leader, it is.
I remember the look on Agustìn’s face when we asked, “you drink tequila every day?”
Like, of course. You have to ask?
No apologies. No American image management. No, “now, don’t think I’m an alcoholic,” or “it’s an expected part of the job.”
Straight faced, serious as a heart attack: “I feed my soul every day.”
This is who I am and what I do.
If you happen to be traveling to Ixtapa or Zihuatanejo, Mexico, be sure to make time to visit Tequila Por Favor.
The John Williams/Anne-Sophie Mutter album I’m listening to is called Across the Stars and can be found on both Spotify and Apple Music.